CLICK PLAY TO LEARN HOW TO MOVE THROUGH FEAR AND MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | GOOGLE PODCASTS | STITCHER Here’s what to expect from this episode: If you’ve ever felt held back by fear, unsure whether to take the leap and go after your dreams, this episode is a must-listen. Get ready […]
CLICK PLAY TO LEARN ABOUT ASTROLOGY 101: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | GOOGLE PODCASTS | STITCHER In this lifetime, we’re all trying to figure out who we are, where we came from, and what we’re meant for. This is why I’m so excited to share with you the amazing work of Sarah Thomas. Sarah (aka She Sees The Stars) is an […]
CLICK PLAY TO LEARN ABOUT MANIFESTATION BLOCKS: Here’s what to expect from this episode: In this episode we will dive into 5 manifestation blocks and how to move through them so that you don’t get stuck doing all the ‘right steps’ while simultaneously holding yourself back on the path to creating your dream reality. This […]
CLICK PLAY TO HEAR THE MINDSPO STORY, FROM PAIN TO PURPOSE: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | GOOGLE PODCASTS | STITCHER Here’s what to expect from this episode about pain to purpose: In a society of highlight reels, you won’t get a platform more genuine than the one Chris and I are creating with this podcast. […]
CLICK PLAY TO HEAR THIS EPISODE: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | GOOGLE PODCASTS | STITCHER Here’s what to expect from this episode: Do you ever feel like a character in someone else’s story line? Do you sometimes feel like you’re low on your inner power and wish you could recharge your energy, so that you […]
WHAT ARE LIFE VALUES AND WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? What if I told you there was a magical personal hack that would make you experience life through the rosiest of glasses, with no catch, just pure all-around awesomeness? Well scoop me up in a bottle and call me Genie because that is exactly what I’m […]